Most people entering recovery from substance abuse have it drilled into their heads that they must avoid isolation at all costs. It’s regularly reinforced that isolation is the enemy, and will pave the road to relapse. So, during this unprecedented time of social...
In these crazy times, how can we deal with feelings of overwhelm and panic without our old ways of coping? How do we learn to show up to whatever comes with grace and calm? Many of us in recovery—especially early recovery—have been overcome with intense waves of...
Many people who have decided to sober up face the challenge of a partner who isn’t on the same page. It is natural to have concerns that your significant other’s drinking or using could impact your chances for recovery. And of course, it’s scary to think that you...
Recent figures released by the Centers for Disease Control indicate that 2018 saw the first decline in drug overdose deaths in 20 years. Despite that bright spot, the numbers remain staggeringly high. In 2018, overdoses killed 67,000 Americans, compared to 70,000 the...
Mindfulness. We hear this word thrown around with astonishing frequency—so much so that it seems like becoming more mindful can be a panacea for anything that ails us. What does it mean though, and how exactly do you practice mindfulness? Well, being mindful simply...
How do we keep our recovery alive, fresh, and vital year after year? Often we hear about a “pink cloud” experience—a period, usually in early recovery, when things are going well, and we are filled with gratitude and wonder at our newfound freedom. What is this...
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