Why we should take slowing down seriously When I stumbled into a 12-step program in my twenties, in an effort to salvage what was left of my life, I found myself overrun by feelings of panic, remorse, and general anxiety. I sought out help because I was tired of...
Thinking about seeking treatment? Why now might be the best time yet. There is no denying it – things are tense out there. We opened 2020 with incredible political division, moved into a terrifying global pandemic and recession, and before emerging, have been faced...
Here at Orange County Recovery, we are invested in the overall wellness of our community. It’s at the heart of our mission, and goes far beyond just treatment. We are here to encourage our clients to thrive – in good times and bad! During the collectively traumatic...
As a mental health and addiction treatment provider, I often feel like the guy in the Hair Club for Men commercial, “I’m not just an owner, I’m also a member!” To many people, I probably look like an average individual who hasn’t faced too many hardships or...
Is the facility accredited? Licensed and accredited treatment centers conform to rigorous requirements that help ensure they offer quality care. The most well-known and highly regarded accreditation body is the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care...
Welcome to November, when we celebrate National Gratitude Month! Gratitude is a word casually thrown around so often—especially around the holidays—it can seem a little hollow. But, more than just a seasonal reminder that we should be glad for what we have, gratitude...
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