How Does Using Alcohol and Other Drugs Affect Spirituality?

How Does Using Alcohol and Other Drugs Affect Spirituality?

When you were in your active addiction, did you have any spirituality? If you believe in a religion, you probably found yourself praying for help every once in a while. Many people who are in recovery will say they suffered a deficit of spirit, and abandoned any...
Why Dating is a Bad Idea When You’re New to Recovery

Why Dating is a Bad Idea When You’re New to Recovery

If you’re new to recovery, you’ve probably hear a lot of sayings by now. “Fake it Till You Make It”, “Easy Does It” and “Just for Today” are a few you’ll hear regularly. These sayings have been passed down from other people on the same path as you because they’re easy...
Be SMART with Your Goals this New Year

Be SMART with Your Goals this New Year

Everyone loves to ring in the New Year, and the world is often filled with talk of resolutions to stay fit, change bad behaviors, and otherwise improve themselves. In recovery, however, the focus is almost always on bettering yourself. Resolutions may seem like a...
5 Warning Signs of Relapse

5 Warning Signs of Relapse

Being in recovery requires vigilance, especially when you’re new, and you’re not accustomed to dealing with the stress of life without the use of substances. There isn’t one strict formula for recovery, and predicting relapse isn’t a straight formula, either....
How Families Can Recover, Too

How Families Can Recover, Too

When a loved one first enters recovery, it can be hard for a family to adjust. Family members are probably worried and a little wary when an addicted loved one first gets clean. If this sounds like you, don’t worry! You’ve been through a lot, which is why you also...